In the last several years natural disasters seem to be more common in our lives. People who experience a natural disaster may also experience un-predicated financial problems. In light of these possible issues the Consumer Data Industry Association (CDIA) is re-issuing guidance to remind data furnishers how they can help their customers who find themselves with financial issues due to natural disasters. When reporting consumer data accounts via the metro 2 format remember to reference the following metro 2 information for guidance.
To read more on this subject please visit CDIA's news page here. CONSUMER DATA INDUSTRY ASSOCIATION®, CDIA®, the CREDIT REPORTING RESOURCE GUIDE®, and METRO 2® are registered trademarks or trademarks of the Consumer Data Industry Association in the United States and/or other countries. Neither M2 Reporter nor its products or services are affiliated with or endorsed by the Consumer Data Industry Association or CDIA.
10% off all software program licenses and that is no joke. Go to our credit reporting software products page to place your order and use code APRILFOOLS10 during the checkout process. Don't wait, this discount ends April 14th!
We are excited to release our newest version of M2R, providing you with all updated CDIA compliant metro 2 formatted codes, a new more robust search/filter/sort tool, better error checking and more. Make sure you are starting the new year off on the right foot and get the current version of M2R now. Need help updating your current version or purchasing M2R for metro 2 reporting contact us here. CDIA has released Important Metro 2® Guidance concerning reporting forbearance informationDue to the recent government shut down many government employees are not being paid due to lack of funding. The Consumer Data Industry Association (CDIA) is issuing guidance to companies that furnish data to consumer reporting agencies who may put an account into forbearance as a result of a consumer’s inability to make payments due to the government shutdown, or for other reasons (See FAQ 45 document below). ![]()
CONSUMER DATA INDUSTRY ASSOCIATION®, CDIA®, the CREDIT REPORTING RESOURCE GUIDE®, and METRO 2® are registered trademarks or trademarks of the Consumer Data Industry Association in the United States and/or other countries. Neither M2 Reporter nor its products or services are affiliated with or endorsed by the Consumer Data Industry Association or CDIA.
We are celebrating the holiday season with 15% of all software licenses. Use code DEC15 at checkout. Sale ends 12/31/18.
Important Metro 2® Guidance: Reporting Accounts for Consumers Affected by Natural Disasters Due to the expected widespread impact from the 2018 hurricane season, the CONSUMER DATA INDUSTRY ASSOCIATION® (CDIA®) recently re-issued guidance to remind data furnishers how they can work with their customers relative to storm-related financial problems. The Metro 2® announcement below is a reminder to all data furnishers that there is specific guidance available for furnishers who report information about;
To view the entire Metro 2® announcement, please click here.
CONSUMER DATA INDUSTRY ASSOCIATION®, CDIA®, the CREDIT REPORTING RESOURCE GUIDE®, and METRO 2® are registered trademarks or trademarks of the Consumer Data Industry Association in the United States and/or other countries. Neither M2 Reporter nor its products or services are affiliated with or endorsed by the Consumer Data Industry Association or CDIA. Collection Agencies
Find the full article at CDIA Resources. Thanks to our friends at Coastal Farm and Ranch here is a yummy spooky treat for your next office coffee break. We've already had them twice! Halloween Pumpkin Brownies.
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June 2023